In the Community

Smiles Dental Center is proud of the community we live in, and take every chance to give back to our friends, families and neighbors in Bartlett, IL and beyond. Our dental team stays involved in the community, offering free dental care for veterans every November to show our gratitude!

Free Dental Care for Vets Every November

the Smiles Dental Center team celebrating Veteran's Day in their officeFor the last three years, Smiles Dental Center has offered free dental care for vets every November! Typically offered on the Thursday closest to Veteran's Day, we're proud to give back to the veterans in our community by offering free dental care. Know a veteran in Bartlett, IL who could use some care for their smile? Send them our way, for free dental treatment at Smiles Dental Center this November on 11/6/25!

Discover the power of a confident smile.

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